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Adding to your family by adopting children from China

On Behalf of | Apr 8, 2013 | Adoption |

When most people here in Maryland think of adoption, their minds more often than not steer towards images of Brad and Angelina Jolie. And if you ask most people here, they’ll tell you that the fad of adopting children from other countries probably began with them too. But the truth of the matter is that adoptions from other countries have been going on for several decades now; and if you ask those families who have gone through the process, they will tell you that adding to their family in this manner is something they don’t regret doing.

Such is the case for one family in Tennessee who were so happy with their first adoption that they have decided to follow through with the adoption of another child. But despite having gone through the process once before, they knew this time would be different, even more complicated than before.

When the family adopted their daughter from China in 2005, they knew it was a process they wanted to do again. In the years following, they had begun the process, but something had always stopped them from going all the way to the end. But this time they decided to go for it.

With their first adoption, they didn’t meet their daughter until after they had completed the 16-month process and were finally able to bring her home. For their second adoption, the family wanted to try something different. This time, they used an advocacy group to help find them a child that was not only ready for adoption but would fit in the age range they already had with their children. That led them to a 3-year-old Chinese boy who was a perfect fit.

But why adopt from China?

“They are different in their process,” says the mother. In an interview with a local newspaper, she continues to explain that adopting a child from an orphanage where you know that the child is being well taken care of is an important part of the process. From their past experience, they knew that this would be the case with this little boy.

Like last time, the family will fly to China and spend two weeks filling out all of the necessary legal documents. Once everything is in order, the family will be able to bring the boy home where he will officially be a U.S. citizen. “We’ve always wanted to add to our family,” the mother says. “And we’re excited to be able to do this.”

Source: The Herald-Citizen, “Local family working to adopt second child from China,” Laura Militana, April 7, 2013
