While the adoption process itself can sometimes be incredibly frustrating, proceedings can become more difficult when the rights of biological parents are thrown into the mix. This was especially the case for the father of Baby Veronica, a story that has captured national attention as well as the attention of our blog readers here in Maryland.
For those who may be unfamiliar with the events of the child custody battle, the case centered around whether the biological father of a part Native American child could assert his rights to claim custody of his daughter despite the fact that the adoption process had already begun with another family. The case called into question whether the 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act would apply to his situation and allow the courts to deny the adoptive parents the right to the child’s custody.
Although the South Carolina Supreme Court recently finalized the adoption of the child this month, the couple says that they can understand the sadness the biological father must be feeling in this situation. During the course of the case, they too were separated from the child and wondered if they would ever see here again. The recent decision is bittersweet now because they have custody of their adoptive daughter but know that the biological father is likely heartbroken by the decision.
While this case may seem like it has been resolved, the biological father says that he intends on appealing his case now to the Oklahoma court system in another attempt to gain custody of his daughter. It’s unclear at this time whether his efforts will be successful, especially after the U.S. Supreme Court’s remanded the case back to the state’s Supreme Court for judgment. Regardless, the case could drag on for quite a bit longer, potentially adding to existing frustrations with the case.
Source: ABC News, “Sadness, Joy in Couple’s Adoption Case,” Meg Kinanrd, Aug. 7, 2013