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Parenting time can be made easier for Maryland parents

On Behalf of | Oct 4, 2013 | Custody & Visitation |

Maryland parents that are facing a situation in which they will have to figure out a way to co parent with their ex spouse or partner can feel overwhelmed. Determining rules and limitations during each parent’s parenting time can be a challenge. A recent article offered a few tips for those trying to make the best of their parenting time.

During a marriage, children are likely to have pretty house rules including things such as a routine bedtime, certain foods they can or can’t have, and maybe even limited hours they can watch television. When parents divorce, it can be difficult for the children to have the same set of rules at both homes, especially if one parent felt as though they were compromising during the marriage. Using proactive parenting, rather than reactive parenting can be beneficial for not only the children, but the parents as well.

The article explains how a proactive approach in which the parents discuss rules and boundaries ahead of time can help minimize the amount of stress on the children. If the parents are able to have an open dialogue about situations that could occur and communicate the rules of each household, the children can feel a sense of security. Proactive parenting is about putting the children first rather than trying to get back at an ex at the expense of the children.

Maryland residents facing a divorce may want to sit down with their soon to be ex spouse and work on a parenting plan that is agreeable to both parties. It is important each individual receives parenting time and by working together, the children can be relieved of any stress that can otherwise result from parents arguing. Working together within the limits of the state law can provide a positive outcome for all parties involved.

Source: Huffington Post, After Divorce: The Value of Proactive vs. Reactive Parenting, Rosalind Sedacca, Oct. 1, 2013
