Resolution-Focused HOA Attorney in Maryland

Every neighborhood needs an effective framework for working together. At our firm, we help homeowners’ associations navigate and enforce guidelines that create vibrant, healthy, and interconnected communities. With a Maryland HOA attorney from our office, you can find answers to complex questions and assistance taking any legal action that may be necessary to resolve and prevent potential disputes.
We focus on creating harmony with careful coordination, negotiation, and documentation. Whether you need to get advice on an existing provision or need representation from a lawyer in Columbia, MD, during a complicated case, we have you covered with a team that cares about your community. When you choose us, you can always count on thoughtful solutions to a wide range of situations. We help with document preparations and filing, as well as representation and guidance.
In every case we take, we strive to produce an amicable result that helps every member of the community feel heard. That said, we can also assist associations when individual owners refuse to abide by community rules. Our team offers support both traditional and contemporary organizations with help from condominium association lawyers. By giving you versatile assistance from experienced professionals, we empower your association to enhance every aspect of its living experience.
“Homeowners association law is an area that I’ve done from day one in my legal career when I worked for a small law firm in Laurel, Maryland…” — Attorney Dwight Clark
Working With Condo And Homeowner Associations
Both homeowners and condominium associations are subject to similar laws, even if they are handled differently. Most associations are incorporated and face similar issues. We work with a number of such associations in the creation and enforcement of resident and community guidelines. Contact us if you have questions about enforcing association bylaws regarding:
- Common areas
- Building exteriors
- Architectural Guidelines
- Grounds work and landscaping
- Paving upkeep
- Snow removal
- Fencing
It is important to know that the courts do not generally look favorably upon having to settle disputes between associations and their members. Our firm works with associations to settle disputed matters and avoid the necessity of going to court.
The Knowledge Of Business And Real Estate Law You Need
Because they are incorporated, associations are related to both business law and real estate law. In addressing matters for homeowners associations or condominium associations, we utilize our understanding of the Maryland Condominium Act, the Homeowners Association Act, real estate law and applicable corporate law. We assist with assessment collections and help association boards grapple with issues regarding the interpretation and enforcement of the terms and provisions of their declarations, bylaws and other governing documents.
For more information about homeowners associations and condominium associations, contact the Law Offices of Dwight W. Clark and schedule a consultation. Call 888-523-6081.