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Divorce may actually be better for the children

On Behalf of | Mar 10, 2024 | Divorce |

Some couples want to get divorced, but they decide to stay together anyway. Often, it is because they are parents. They will say that they are “staying together for the kids.” They may stay together long-term or they may just wait until their children have moved out of the house to go forward with their divorce.

The reason for this is that people are worried that a divorce will have a negative impact on their children’s development, and they don’t want to be responsible for that. But studies have found that there are cases where getting a divorce may actually be better for the children than staying together.

Chronic conflict 

This is an issue in relationships with chronic conflict. Parents are constantly fighting or arguing. They may disagree frequently, and the home is a stressful environment for their children. This can actually hinder the child’s development because they are exposed to this endless conflict and stress, when it would actually be ideal for them to think of their home as a safe and welcoming space.

Additionally, parents who are engaged in chronic conflict with their spouse may feel that they have a little time or energy left for their children. Interestingly, getting a divorce may give you the opportunity to actually be a better parent – to be the parent you’ve always wanted to be. You can focus on your children and your relationship with them, rather than trying to maintain a relationship with an unhappy spouse.

It is wise to put your children’s best interests first, but you can do that even through a divorce. Just make sure you understand all of the legal steps that you should take at this time.
