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5 questions a parenting agreement should address

On Behalf of | Jan 10, 2018 | Blog |

If the time comes to create a parenting agreement, such as during the mediation process, you need to understand what you should and shouldn’t be focusing on. In other words, some details are more important than others.

The nice thing about a parenting agreement is that you can work with the other parent to ensure that both of you feel good about what the future will bring. You may have to compromise on some details, but this is all part of the process.

While you never know what you’ll be up against as you move through mediation, here are some of the parenting agreement questions you absolutely need to address:

  • Which parent will have physical custody of the child or children?
  • What parent will have legal custody of the child or children? Will both parents share this responsibility?
  • Where will the child or children spend holidays, vacations, and other important events that happen throughout the year?
  • What is the best way to deal with contact with other family members, such as grandparents, uncles and aunts?
  • What is the best system for dealing with any changes or disputes that come to light in the future?

These are among the most important questions to answer when creating a parenting agreement, but there are others that may come to mind as the process moves forward.

It’s imperative that you are willing and able to answer any question that is on your mind, as letting it slide and hoping for the best is not a strategy you want to use. Instead, if you have a question, you need to address it when you have time to do so.

With the ability to customize a parenting agreement, there is no reason you shouldn’t feel confident in signing the final draft. Once you have this in place, it’s easier to move forward with the rest of your divorce, knowing that your child or children will be in the best position to thrive in the months and years to come. For most parents, there’s nothing more important than this.
